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The services listed below are provided in-person (Encinitas) and online (California).
Individuals, adults, teens, couples, and families are welcome.

I offer a variety of formats suitable for both individuals and groups. These include lectures, presentations, Q & A sessions, informal discussions, workshops, and meditation classes. I am available to meet in-person, online, and can travel locally.

What I Teach

My teaching focuses on facilitating Self-realization – the experiential knowing of who and what we are. While the journey of self-discovery never ends and unfolds differently for each of us, there are general trends and landmarks that we encounter along the way. Unlike my counseling services, where I help clients discover their personal truths and address individual needs, my educational efforts examine the universal processes of psychological and spiritual development, and their intersection.

Through teaching, my intention is to foster compassionate understanding. I aim to dissolve misconceptions, illuminate diverse perspectives, simplify complex concepts, and bring opposing views together. My style is an interdisciplinary mix of psychology, metaphysics, philosophy, logic, and science. And I share not only from inference, but also from direct perception and experience. Bypassing dogma, my approach is inclusive and embraces our shared humanity.

Within this broad scope, I touch on the following themes:

  • Realizing and embodying our true nature
  • Integrating contemporary psychology with timeless spirituality
  • Transcending suffering and finding inner peace
  • Cultivating love, wisdom, and compassion
  • Understanding and utilizing our thoughts and feelings
  • Moving through resistance and flowing with life
  • Mechanisms of evolution and metaphors for transformation
  • Personality types and levels of consciousness
  • Learning from animals and nature
  • Harmonizing our multidimensional being

Why I Teach

Offering this service is a response to today’s increasingly divided world. The anger, fear, and conflict we see all around us is fundamentally a symptom of our belief that we are separate and cut off from the rest of life. Self-realization, the remembrance of our essence, dispels the illusion of separateness and the suffering that comes with it, revealing the inherent peace and oneness of Being. It forever shifts the foundation from which we operate – our perception – changing everything.

I believe that awakening to our true nature is the next step in human evolution and the most important thing we can do. As we move together through this unparalleled period of change, let us each investigate who we are and how we’re connected. Only then can we find the proper solutions for our personal and global dilemmas and create a more conscious, kinder planet.

Why I Teach

Offering this service is a response to today’s increasingly divided world. The anger, fear, and conflict we see all around us is fundamentally a symptom of our belief that we are separate and cut off from the rest of life. Self-realization, the remembrance of our essence, dispels the illusion of separateness and the suffering that comes with it, revealing the inherent peace and oneness of Being. It forever shifts the foundation from which we operate – our perception – changing everything.

I believe that awakening to our true nature is the next step in human evolution and the most important thing we can do. As we move together through this unparalleled period of change, let us each investigate who we are and how we’re connected. Only then can we find the proper solutions for our personal and global dilemmas and create a more conscious, kinder planet.

Success Stories

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
~ Dr. Wayne Dyer