Interview: Buddha at the Gas Pump

Interview: Buddha at the Gas Pump

On January 11th, I was invited for an interview on the internationally beloved spiritual podcast, Buddha at the Gas Pump, hosted by Rick Archer. I had a great time on BatGap sharing my story and discussing deeply important issues facing our world today, and I’ve received such beautiful and heart-warming feedback. The conversation touched on many topics: my spiritual journey, awakening, the embodiment process, service to others, my work as a therapist and teacher, the importance of integrating psychology and spirituality, and more. I’m honored to share this interview here with you:

For a summary and edited transcript of the interview, click here.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump Series
  2. Discovering Spiritual Insights through “Buddha at the Gas Pump”
  3. Discovering Eastern Thought and Deer Park Monastery
  4. Exploring Higher States of Consciousness Through Music
  5. The Challenges of Kriya Yoga Practice
  6. Struggles with Kriya Yoga and Finding Purpose
  7. Journey to Emotional and Psychological Healing
  8. Understanding Kundalini Activation and Its Effects
  9. Discovering My Higher Self
  10. Differentiating Awakening from Psychosis
  11. The Path of Perseverance and Enlightenment
  12. Realization of Oneness and Unity
  13. The Importance of Service Post-Awakening
  14. The Transition from Ego-Identification to Ego-Transcendence
  15. The Influence of Meher Baba and the Journey to Self-Realization
  16. Embracing a Different Memory Post-Awakening
  17. Navigating Non-Doership and Embodiment
  18. Understanding the Ego and Brahman
  19. Rocket Ship as a Metaphor for Awakening
  20. Understanding Psychosis and Spiritual Awakening
  21. Illuminating the Ego: Pre and Post Awakening
  22. Challenges of Kundalini Awakening
  23. The Relationship Between Ego and Self-Realization
  24. Navigating the Role of a Spiritual Teacher
  25. The Role of Spirituality in Addressing Mental Illness
  26. Humanity’s Journey Through Suffering to Awakening
  27. The Role of Donations in Spiritual Endeavors
  28. Vision for a Peaceful Humanity
  29. Exploring Life’s Big Questions: Meaning, Reality, and Participation
  30. Embracing the Present Moment: The Power of What over Why
  31. Upcoming Interview with Lisa Carrillo

Everything is Love. That is literally what we are made of. That is my substance and essence, and that is the substance and essence of everything else in the universe.
~ Eli Recht