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Below are answers to some of the most common questions that people have. Whether you’re considering therapy for the first time or have had therapy in the past, I hope that this information will help you feel more comfortable and confident in your decision to continue on your path towards healing and wellness.

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy exploring these articles, videos, pearls of wisdom, updates, and other tidbits that I’ve been inspired to share with you. For the record, now that we’ve entered the age of artificial intelligence, I’d like to assure you that all the content below has been generated by EI (Eli Intelligence) and not AI. eli emoji

BatGap Card

Interview: Buddha at the Gas Pump

On January 11th, I was invited for an interview on the internationally beloved spiritual podcast, Buddha at the Gas Pump, hosted by Rick Archer. I had…
Blog Card

2024 in Review

Video Interview
Table of Contents: A successful year. The Self. Psychological defense mechanisms. Defining enlightenment. The ego. Consciousness unfolding. How I choose what I write about. An update…

Rancho Coastal Humane Society

Donation Update
In the final quarter of the year, my Teaching service generated $1,113 in donations to RCHS. This brings the 2024 total to $4190. If we include…
Evolution,Concept,Of,Enlightenment,,Vector,Illustration,With,Chimpanzee, ,Human

The Ego, Part 3

Limiting Beliefs, Liberating Acts
As discussed in Part 2, the ego’s ultimate aim is self-actualization: a complete integration of the psyche’s fragmented aspects, resulting in individuation, acceptance of the human…
Evolution,Concept,Of,Enlightenment,,Vector,Illustration,With,Chimpanzee, ,Human

The Ego, Part 2

Stages of Development
In Part 1, I outlined the evolution of consciousness from its source as unqualified Oneness, through countless sequential stages of gradually increasing awareness, to its self-reflective…
Evolution,Concept,Of,Enlightenment,,Vector,Illustration,With,Chimpanzee, ,Human

The Ego, Part 1

Origin & Purpose
In previous writings, I’ve referred to the ego many times and in various ways. I’ve defined it as an identity, an illusion, a mental construct, and…
Blog Card

Defining Enlightenment

Words of the Illumined Ones
Possibly the most elusive word in the English language, “enlightenment” has taken on a vast range of meanings and connotations over the centuries, and countless paths…

Consciousness Unfolding

Animation & Explanation
During one of my recent teaching sessions, I was describing to a student how consciousness moves, unfolds, or evolves in the pursuit of Self-realization. During my…

Defense Mechanisms, Part 3

The Problem & The Solution
Defense mechanisms are not always problematic. They can be incredibly helpful, especially in the short run. If you’re at work, for example, and you receive a…

Defense Mechanisms, Part 2

The Most Common Defenses
The following is a list of the ­­30 most common defensive strategies people use, but it’s not exhaustive by any means. Remember, they’re not necessarily harmful,…

Defense Mechanisms, Part 1

What Are Defense Mechanisms?
You are most likely aware of the fact that psychological defense mechanisms pop up from time to time, especially during experiences that cause intense mental and…
Buddha Card

Philip Weber Interview

Buddha at the Gas Pump
I’m happy to report that my dear friend, Philip Weber, was invited for an interview on the internationally beloved spiritual podcast, Buddha at the Gas Pump, which…
ROC Card

Reflections of Consciousness

Book Announcement
He’s done it again, folks. Philip Weber has written another paradigm-shaking ego-quaking page-turner. This one is called Reflections of Consciousness: Essays on the Journey of Awakening…

I Am Awareness

A Poem
I am awareness. I am nothing but awareness. To understand this, and to experience this, is to begin to separate the things that change from the…

The Self, Part 3

Harmonizing our Multidimensional Being
Two Fundamental Perspectives Depending on which perspective we see life from, we see ourselves differently. Ultimately, there are only two perspectives through which we can view…

The Self, Part 2

Mind & Spirit
The Mind Definition: The mind is the mental container, the field of pure vibratory activity, that allows us (the Self) to navigate the even subtler world…

The Self, Part 1

Body & Heart
There are four basic aspects of our being – body, heart, mind, and spirit – which reflect the four dimensions of life. For each aspect, I…
Book Card

Reading Recs, Part 2

Psychology Books
If there’s any other subject I’ve read countless books on, it’s psychology. Thus, in the second installment of my “Reading Recs” series, allow me to share…
Book Card

Reading Recs, Part 1

Spiritual Books
If you’ve gotten to know me, by now you may have noticed that I love reading. Ever since I can remember, I’ve turned to books as…

Teaching Interview

Table of Contents: What I teach. How I teach. Why I teach. Why I am donating all my teaching proceeds to charity. What spirituality means to…

There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.
~ Zora Neale Hurston